A hardware description language is a computer language that is used to describe hardware. There are two HDLs are widely used are verilog HDL and VHDL (Very H igh Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language). Schematic design entry can be replaced by writing HDL code that CAD tools understand. CAD tools can verify the HDL codes, and create the circuits automatically from HDL codes.
Why use verilog?
- Verilog is more popular in industry than VHDL
- They offer similar features
- In 1980s, originally developed by Gateway Design Automation.
- In 1990, was put in public domain.
- In 1995, adopted as an IEEE standard 1364-1995
- In 2001, an enhanced version, Verilog 2001
- Design entry (using schematics or HDL)
- Simulation and verification of the design
- Synthesis
- Complex circuits can be divided into simpler and synthesizable circuit blocks.
- There are hundreds of Verilog syntaxes that can be used and they will be introduced in several stages through this course when the language elements are relevant to the design topics.
- For complete Verilog syntaxes, refer to reference books.